National Sanctity of Human Life Day 2021

The values and freedoms we cherish as Americans rest on our fundamental commitment to the sanctity of human life. The first of the ``unalienable rights’’ affirmed by our Declaration of Independence is the right to life itself, a right the Declaration states has been endowed by our Creator on all human beings — whether young or old, weak or strong, healthy or handicapped.
— President Ronald Reagan

As we step in to the year of 2021, we start this year by pausing to join together and celebrate this special day.

We believe that all lives are sacred and Save a Life International continues to be dedicated to helping women in crisis and women who suffer from domestic abuse and violence.

We believe that in God’s eyes, the life of a mother is as important as the life of her unborn child. In our Life Centers in Eastern Europe and the US, our volunteers and our staff believe that only through love and acceptance can we save the life of a child.

Our Life Center in Philadelphia, PA is growing and we have more and more mothers with their babies coming to our programs and receiving training in different life skills. Through programs and counseling, not only were babies’ lives saved but the lives of the mothers are being changed as well.

We use this time to reflect on and celebrate all the life that has happened this past year through our relationships and programming work.

We also use this day to reflect on our own families and relationships and celebrate all God has done to bring us together, heal, grow, and bless one another.


Building a Brand New Life Center