Client Story: Galina’s Fight for Life

Galina is the mother of four wonderful children. When her son Pavlik was 3 months old, he got diagnosed with a coarctation of the aorta, which is a localized narrowing of the aortic lumen, leading to hypertension of the upper extremities, left ventricular hypertrophy, and insufficient perfusion of the abdominal organs and lower extremities. She was in complete despair, scared for the life of her son. Pavlik’s father was determined to save his son, however, and the next week they were already in Kiev in the Institution of the Heart and Cardiology.

Time in the hospital was hard, physically and mentally. Galina witnessed many children with different stories, and was extremely worried about her son's future. On the day of the surgery she was crying in the hospital room, begging God to save her son. Those were excruciatingly difficult hours. After a while, she got called to the doctor's office with wonderful news of a successful surgery. She was overjoyed.

However this was only the beginning of her journey. Pavlik cried every night after the surgery, so he was constantly on painkillers and still had a lengthy rehabilitation process ahead. More problems arose when her oldest son got sick with COVID-19, which led him to completely lose hearing in his left ear. This was a big hit for the entire family. Galina was in despair once again. All their money was being spent on medicine, to the point where sometimes she didn’t have enough to buy food for herself or the other kids. The fact that prices for groceries in Ukraine had increased 50-70% because of the war did not help either. So Galina was searching for someone who could aid them.

While browsing the internet, she accidentally stumbled upon Save a Life International’s website. After she reached out and met with me (Natalia, the director of the Lviv Life Center), we began our work. We were able to help her with things she needed like groceries, diapers, hygiene products, warm clothing and then provide moral support. Galina’s family still receives expensive treatments needed for their children and the Life Center is able to contribute some finances for medical expenses.

During her last visit, she expressed her gratitude:

“Your support brings me to tears. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who participates in helping us, to the team of the Lviv Life Center, its director Natalia, and everyone from Save a Life International. Thank you for your generous hearts. We continue to fight. I sincerely wish all of you strong health. Remember, unity is power!”

I share Galina’s story so we can better understand the life of people in Ukraine. Missile shelling dangers and the absence of heating and lighting is adding to their personal problems and challenges. Thanks to our joint forces, however, we are able to help them survive and enjoy life once again. 

- Natalia Kolesnik, Director, Lviv Life Center

Natalia Kolesnik

Natalia is the Direct of the Lviv Life Center. Her educational background is in physical education. She went on to become a fencing trainer and fitness instructor. From 2008 to 2022, she was a Regional Director of the FitCurves franchise company. She has several certifications in "Nordic" fitness styles. She was also a co-owner of six fitness clubs in Lviv, Stryi, Chervonograd, and Drohobych. Her husband is a pastor and together they have two adult children and two grandchildren.


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