Bringing Aid to a War-Torn Ukraine

There might be a war raging, but the work of Save a Life International continues!

Writing to you now from Ukraine, we are now able to partner with our staff in person on the ground there. Our staff and volunteers are working tirelessly around the clock on very little sleep to bring much needed aid to our clients, their children, and many refugees who have been displaced by the horrors of the war with Russia.

We are joined on this trip to Ukraine by three brave men of God, Kalim Andraos, our board member Mark Dunn, and Georges Houssney, the Founder and President of Horizons International. They have been a huge blessing and encouragement to our staff on the front lines.

Lines of Ukrainian refugees waiting to travel across the border to Romania.

We were able to travel here with many cases and pounds of materials, clothing, and crucial prenatal vitamins for refugees and those fleeing from war and unable to buy or find supplies.

Our Founder and President, Nadia Gordynsky, bringing supplies and friends to the front lines!

It was also a wonderful time visiting with some of our clients and getting to pray with them. Pregnancies continue even during war, and in many cases stressors motivating abortion intensify during war. Life becomes difficult for pregnant women as refugees, especially when they already have several children whose constant needs they have to consider.

Our goal is to aid in redeeming this situation on a personal level with God’s help so that our new friends and clients can begin to reestablish themselves and build hope.

Become a supporter today to provide support for Ukrainian refugees!


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