Winter Christmas Retreat in Lviv

“It was an extremely blessed time for me, an island of peace during this horrible war.”

- Client attendee from the Lviv Life Center

For three days, 100 of our clients, their children, and our volunteers ventured out of the city of Lviv, Ukraine to a nearby small town to rest and recover together, escape the busier city, and not focus on the war for a short time. 

The youngest child to join us, Mira, was one month old. We were fortunate to have been joined by many of our pregnant mom clients also.

The main purpose of this retreat was to build closer relationships with these women and celebrate in a normal Christmas spirit with kids who have had such a difficult and scary year during the war.

A team of doctors and psychologists also joined us and we got to discuss the Life Center’s programs and how to approach some of the mothers starting to volunteer with clients there.

Life Center Director Natalia Kolesnik and Kateryna Sadova (Wife of the Mayor of Lviv) greet clients at the retreat.

Among the guests were the wife of the Mayor of Lviv, Kateryna Sadova, Dr. Olga Dzyuman, and Lesya Kobetska, her assistant. We were thrilled to have them join us for all the activities with the women.

Because of your generous gifts, our volunteer team was able to create a special program for children with games and crafts where they learned to make New Year's themed toys using the decoupage technique and other fun activities. 

Lilia Kostiv, a local Lviv businesswoman with a big heart, gave patriotic Ukrainian gifts to all the mothers.

After the children went to bed, we gathered around the fireplace and had a deep time of sharing, spiritual reflection, and fellowship together.

“There are people who make this world a better place. Save a Life International is one of those organizations. We wish you prosperity, goodness, well-being, harmony and happiness!”

- Client Mother

Your support ensures that retreats like this create the space for stories of transformed lives, healing within marriages, and a client growing in their relationship with the Lord. 

Thank you for being an eternal blessing to these mothers and their children!


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Ksenia the Unbreakable